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PTA Updates

A Comprehensive Resource Guide For Black Homeschooling Families

As a parent, deciding to homeschool your child means that you have the flexibility to be able to educate your kids how you choose too, by choosing curriculum that aligns with your believes as well as curriculum that is strongly rooted in black history and black culture.

Unschooling is an informal learning that advocates learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning. Unschoolers learn through their natural life experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction. 

Daniel Hamlin, a professor at the University of Oklahoma who has studied homeschooling, says many parents choose unschooling after dealing with repeated disciplinary problems at their child’s school.

Some unschoolers criticize that in schools, children are taught a set of facts and skills that they might not need in the future anymore, while with unschooling, they learn how to learn, which is far more sustainable for their life.

Another argument is that the structure of school is not suitable for people who want to make their own decisions about what, when, how and with whom they learn because many things are predetermined there, while you are more free in these decisions when unschooled.


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Supply List

We encourage all parents to consider these supplies as ideal for the diversity of learning skills their student will be able to tap into at our school. 

Ipad Pro with an Apple Pen


All in one touch screen foldable laptop with stylus

2 Composition notebooks, blue and black inc pens 

Calculator, Protractor, Compass

Lap desk, yoga mat

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